Friday, January 27, 2012

Experimental blogging

The name says it all.

By reading this, you are now viewing the results of experimental blogging.

Right now, the experimental aspect isn't so out of the ordinary.  The only experiment is writing with nothing absolutely at all to say.

I would like to think that I am special because of this, that somehow by not having much at all to say I am unusual in the "blogosphere."  Although, in a way, by my saying even that, I at least have just a little something to say.  Just a little.

So this is the result, in part, of "experimental blogging."  There are no standards in this kind of experiment, no ethical controls, no data restrictions, nor data coll -

No.  Wait.  Maybe there are.  Data is being collected right this second.  And... right now!  And now.  They're watching you read this crap.  "They" are those who we quote as being the experts in just about everything out there.  "They" are watching you right now and taking note that you are reading this drivel that I am currently writing.  Why are you still reading it?!!

Are you wondering why I have bothered to this?  I'm warning you.  This experiment isn't necessarily being conducted by ME on YOU.  I never promised it was.  It's on US!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
(imagine scary sound like you're falling down the stairs)

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