Tuesday, September 8, 2009

busy but okay

I have been busy lately but feel totally tired. I am in my second week working as a receptionist at a school with pre-K-6.  It's been pretty neat and I have been enjoying getting to know the children there.  I think they might want to keep me there through December, and after that, who knows?  I would like to see if I can find a call by the beginning of the new year.  We'll see what happens. 

Here is a balloon rising up behind the school where I am working, as I arrived this past Friday morning.

The good thing is if I can make about 300/week for the next few months, I might be able to get control of my bills for once, and perhaps even pay some other things that I sorely have needed.  From my keyboard to God's ears.  Your prayers are coveted.  Peace,

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